Good news: At last! my bloods satisfy the criteria for safe return and i am being released from hospital care this weekend. I am still in recovery (remind me, Im not a good patient) so will be taking things easy at first. Once I am settled back into self-care (I haven’t done that since March) I will be looking to … Read More
latest re hospitals etc
Hi Im finally well enough to update the website. As many will know from our facebook pages, Rosie(I) had a severe stroke in March, as some put it ‘out of the blue’ but really it was not, my heart had been under strain for some time and high blood pressure led to me going ‘pop’ and a blood clot lodging … Read More
What’s the news then? Specialcats, 2018 and beyond
There’s been a change of personnel here at the cattery as Alan moved out, Brenda and Katie moved on, Strider moved in and Corrie and Poppy went to aged doggy heaven (ahhh!). Nadav came to us on Sundays, initially for her school’s Duke of Edinburgh award and she is staying on as weekend helper. I’m looking for an older … Read More
Winter breather and closure for noisy work
Specialcats will have a closed period from 2/2/29-21/3/19 to allow for necessary structural changes to be made. I know this will inconvenience some but its the quietest time of year for bookings. Not the most ideal period to work outdoors in! Life is always about compromise of course. As I train up new staff its been harder to … Read More
You’re only open 3 hours a day. So what do you actually do?
Good question. Opening morning and evening 7 days a week allows people access to us to suit most (we evolved these times round people’s and cats’ needs) and allows us to work round child care, pet care, shop and vet hours. We have always been open at other times by arrangement, its rare we cannot manage that. If you read … Read More
2017 into 2018 news round-up
Specialcats roundup 2017 25 years of service Eeks, another year and its been Specialcats’ 25th anniversary. This kind of landmark figure necessarily leads to review, rebuilding and redesign in many ways. People: Rosie focussed on health recovery, having ‘overdone it’ last year; Alan moved to building and maintenance as Katie took on wider roles then reined in when she found … Read More
Tap water in Ayrshire could kill
Spring has now sprung,the frogs are breeding well, the ponds are full of spawn. I will be topping the ponds up with rainwater ONLY as Ayrshire tap water is now toxic to amphibians and fish since Scottish Water changed their disinfection processes at less than 2 weeks public notice. 2 Postcards were send out, one to businesses talking about protecting … Read More
What do I bring? The perennial question
On the day: what to bring to the cattery (this is available as a printable form on our bookings page too) Your cat, nice and calm in a well secured travel basket. If you use a harness during car travel, it must be a well fitting and on arrival, your cat transferred to a basket for the walk from car … Read More
Updated paperwork
Now I have finally remembered how to get into my own site (never said I was a techy!) I am adding our updated terms and conditions of boarding, together with information about data care. You may have heard about GDPR, if not, its a new set of personal data care requirements all users of personal data must comply with. As … Read More
Grooming time for Oliver (how to groom a long haired cat)
Cats have different coat layers. The top coat is wiry and does not matt, but it moults. The undercoat keeps them warm but it felts if rubbed. When they moult (twice a year) the coat should just slough or be groomed off. But undercoat tends to stick together and when you add friction (lying in one spot for instance, or … Read More