2014 winter newsletter which nearly escaped view

Rosie MapplebeckSpecialcats News


Specialcats of Ayr the December 2014 newsy thing Change, change and more change, it seems unavoidable. This year we converted to Apple mac computers and Rosie is on a steep learning curve. Online has become the way many bookings now happen, followed by phone. Facebook and Twitter sites must be maintained and reviews come online via Google+. If you have … Read More

where did 2013 go?

Rosie MapplebeckSpecialcats News

Building work took the focus in the summer as we removed the ancient garage and started work on a replacement. Mud and diggers seemed to be everywhere. The cats didnt seem to care though.

Christmas cattery visitors

Rosie MapplebeckSpecialcats News

Badger loves kisses

Our cat Badger is delighted to have the 3 grandchildren staying. Seems unlikely? Its because Sheila (AKA Ninjatiddler) is keeping out of their way and he can have all have all his favourite sitting places back. Like the back of the AGA.

Update On Millie The Cat

Rosie MapplebeckSpecialcats News

Millie the pregnant black and white kitty I mentioned before had 5 kittens last week at CP North Ayrshire. Homes required for all from 7 weeks’ time. She no longer resembles a barrel and is rather pretty!Black and white, 18 months old, she will be neutered and vaccinated before homing.

Re-homed kittens

Rosie MapplebeckSpecialcats News

Two kittens and a pregnant cat were ‘donated’ to us yesterday by someone who had no time nor use for them. But there are many good people in the world and they are now with CP north ayr, having had offers of care from our vets too.so white and black little Millie and her kittens will be ready hopefully in … Read More

Specialcats of Ayr, news 2011

Rosie MapplebeckSpecialcats News

This comes early this year to announce that due to popular request, we will be open all year again and we are already taking winter bookings. We can only do this because we have such loyal customers who have stayed with us through the many years and recommend us too. So please take this as a big thank you from … Read More