Now I have finally remembered how to get into my own site (never said I was a techy!) I am adding our updated terms and conditions of boarding, together with information about data care. You may have heard about GDPR, if not, its a new set of personal data care requirements all users of personal data must comply with. As we have to keep details about you to care for you cat in accordance with out boarding licence this should be no surprise. What does surprise me is how many businesses whose owners i have spoken to do not even know about it yet! Its been heavily pushed since last year on business forums and the Information Commissioners’ Office who administer this.In fact its become a bit of a scam with very expensive training on offer to frightened business owners. The rules and guidance are at in case you want to know more, their site is pretty clear. If you forget the uk part of the address you get international coffee which is more me!!
The upshot is we will be asking everyone to sign a copy of our GDPR form, now in booking area. We have also updated the vet permission form as the above regs have confused some staff so much they make it tricky for us to speak to your vet. If we can show written permission I am hoping that will help us, while clear training for staff would be even better! Corporate practices please note, its you I mean!
Updated paperwork